As you may be aware, the cost of frequent shaving, waxing and depilatory creams can really add up over the years. Sometimes it can be difficult to fit these methods in if you’ve got an extremely hectic schedule to contend with. If you feel as though there’s not enough hours in the week to get to grips with hair reduction, perhaps it’s time to invest in a longer-lasting solution.
Intense Pulsed Light Technology (IPL) is a great alternative to laser hair removal. Similar to laser treatment, IPL is a non-invasive hair-reduction approach that uses heated pulses of light to focus on hair and dissolve it.[1] If you’d rather carry out some salon-style hair reduction from the comfort of your own home, then the Veet Infini’ SilkPro IPL hair removal device may be just what you’re looking for. It gives you professional-looking results at a fraction of the price of a full set of salon treatments.
Let’s take a look at the benefits of laser hair removal and IPL. By the time you’ve finished reading, you might be tempted to bid farewell to short-term hair removal!
How Does it Work?
Laser hair removal is a non-invasive treatment that uses a highly concentrated beam of light to penetrate the hair follicle and dissolve it directly from the root. The laser is delivered, via a hand-piece, to the surface of the skin where it targets hair.[2] The sensation is similar to the snap of a rubber band. If you opt for salon treatments rather than an at home devide, before the treatment, the esthetician may protect your skin with a gel or cooling device in order to prevent skin from over-heating.[3][4]
Once the session is complete, you may want to apply steroid cream or ice packs to reduce any swelling and redness of the skin.[5] It can take between four to six treatments spaced around six weeks apart for the benefits to become obvious. Touch-ups are required every few months to keep regrowth at bay.[6] It’s important to limit plucking, waxing and shaving as much as possible for at least six weeks before treatment in order to give hair time to grow.[7]
Benefits of Laser Hair Removal and IPL
Regrowth after laser hair removal tends to be much less obvious than other methods, as the hair is often softer and lighter in colour once it returns. [8] Treatment tends to be extremely quick as each pulse of light takes just a split second to dissolve hair and there is virtually no post-treatment resting period which means that you can continue with your day after IPL. Because the laser is so precise, tackling a single hair at a time, it’s effective at treating smaller areas such as the underarm and upper lip. [9]
Laser light uses precise wavelengths required to treat each hair which means that lasers usually eliminate hair the first time around. You can treat multiple hairs simultaneously making it one of the quickest methods of hair removal available. Laser hair removal is suitable for anyone with darker, thicker hair with a fair to medium skin tone. The laser is attracted to dark hair pigment and doesn’t damage surrounding tissue. [10] Veet Infini’ SilkPro also has a built in skin colour sensor so you can always safely have, professional-style hair reduction treatments at home!
Whether you opt for laser hair treatment, or even try out IPL at home, it’s great to know that there are long-term hair removal options out there. They can be quick, simple and even save you money in the long run!